Cornerstone Church has partnered with the National Christian Foundation (NCF), an organization that helps generous givers like you simplify their giving, multiply their impact, and experience the joy of contributing more to favorite causes. So whether you're passionate about more Bibles for your local church, more healthy Christian marriages, more clean water, or more justice ... we encourage you to start dreaming big, because we sure do!

From the simplicity of the Giving Fund to the multiplying power of Asset-Based Giving, the creative solutions offered through NCF help givers experience less paperwork, fewer taxes, and more impact for the charities they really care about. The result? Since 1982, NCF has sent more than $6 billion in grants to over 40,000 charities.

If you have any questions, or if you would like to receive personally specific information, call 706.234.4923 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Stocks & Mutual Funds

If you are currently writing checks to your local church and favorite ministries, and you also have appreciated stocks or mutual funds in a taxable investment portfolio, you likely have a significant opportunity to pay less tax, give more, improve your personal cash flow, and simplify your giving. You work with your broker to transfer your stocks or mutual funds to NCF, we liquidate the assets, and we put the net proceeds in your Giving Fund ... ready for granting to charity.


Charitable Gift Annuities

A CGA is a simple arrangement that involves a charitable gift and an annuity. You make the gift (part of which is tax deductible), and then you receive fixed annuity payments each year for the remainder of your life. If you wish, you can have the payments go to a family member or friend instead. Our commitment to pay your annuity is a legally binding contract, and they have never missed an annuity payment.


Real Estate

Many property owners have a heart to give but feel hindered by limited cash flow and ever-growing taxes. If you're one of them, we can help you leverage your real estate so you can send more to charity than you thought possible.


Business Interest

If you're running a business, our Charitable Shareholder strategy allows you to donate a non-voting interest, receive a substantial tax deduction, and still maintain management oversight. Best of all, you'll experience the joy of sending more to your favorite causes today. Or, if you're one of the select entrepreneurs who has the opportunity to sell your successful company for a sizeable gain, we can help you maximize your sale ... and your impact for charity.


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